Wedding and Wingdings

If you are looking for a story about the wedding every girl dreams of, then you should probably stop reading this right now. I never did that as a little girl. I never dreamed of my fantasy wedding – okay, there might have been a few Barbie wedding reenactments where Barbie and Ken said their vows, then drove off in a corvette towards their dream house – but if I did, I certainly never stopped to ask how much the rental fee was on that Castle in the Sky. So it was a little bit of a shock – and kind of an insult – that when I started inquiring into costs for Our Big Day that I was apparently expected to spent $25,000 to $30,000 on my one and only super special day. *Cough Cough* say WHAT?? I guess I’m a little naive, but that still shocks me every time I think about it.

So far, we’ve gotten really lucky with the planning: we have a friend that has offered to make our wedding cake, B is going to wear a tailored suit that he already owns, we have a friend that we have asked to marry us, and we are planning to ask another to be our wedding photographer. So right there we are saving ourselves at least three thousand dollars, but we still have a ways to go. Our goal is to celebrate with our friends and family with dancing and drinks and laughter (and not a car-sized chunk of debt hanging over our heads.) We are not there yet, but I feel good about the decisions we’re making so far.

In the meantime, both B and I are picking up additional work as we come across it. B is tutoring a could students in calculus, and we are dog sitting for a family that is out of town for Thanksgiving (which is almost like they’re doing US a favor, because we love having a dog in the house.) i’m doing some freelance writing and still furiously knitting away in hopes of getting an Etsy shop up and running soon.

I’m also going to make the ULTIMATE sacrifice, and go out shopping on Black Friday in hopes of getting some deals on wedding decorations.

I was spotlighted this month on a knitting designer’s blog for one of my projects! It was a huge compliment that she chose me for that, and I was especially happy since the project was a sweater that I really enjoyed making. You can see pictures of the sweater and read her post here. Looking over her page, it’s clear that her style and mine are pretty similar; it makes me really want to make more of her sweaters!

Oh and I finished a project this week! With all the knitting i’ve been doing for other people, i really needed a “me project” so I made a zip up laptop sleeve for my computer! I bought the fabric forever ago, but just haven’t had the time to get to it until now. I really love how it turned out – it has blue lining on the inside of both pockets. The only thing I would change if I did it again is that I would use a thicker fusible lining for some extra cushioning. I might make some more of these to put up for sale, but if I do they may not have the zipper closure. I’m still not entirely comfortable with zippers so they take me for-ev-er.  But anyway, here it is!

